Nicole Moore Keffer
Jul 1, 2016
Every Girl is my Daughter
"I will live as though I have a thousand daughters, even though I have none, because every girl is my daughter and when she sees me, or...
Robin Winkles
Jun 24, 2016
Youth. Empowered.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” What an incredible blessing it is...
Nicole Moore Keffer
Mar 8, 2016
International Women's Day
Take a minute and ask yourself, "How do you describe your perfect day?" I've had a handful of perfect days that stand out in my mind, and...
Michael Warneke
Mar 6, 2016
Winds of Change
As I sit here in Gulu, Northern Uganda for one final evening, it is so very difficult to put this past week into perspective. Our team of...
Abby Warneke
Mar 1, 2016
It's Not Fair!
As a mommy to three boys (Gideon-9, Abel-6, and Solomon-3) I often hear the phrase, "It's not fair!" That phrase usually occurs in...